
You can change the text or image of the Submit button from the Theme Designer, and you can edit the Next and Previous buttons in the Field Settings for a Page Break.

  • Submit Button
  • Next and Previous Buttons

You can add Custom CSS to a theme to fully customize the look of your form's navigation buttons. If you have a multi-page form, you'll also need to account for the Next and Previous buttons. Here are the CSS selectors for all the navigation buttons that can appear on Wufoo forms:


When you use an iFrame code to embed your form on your website, the code includes a height that we estimate. Unfortunately, there's room for error due to different browser resolutions or font sizes, so sometimes the Submit button will get cut off at the bottom of the form.

To fix this, you'll need to increase the height attribute in your embed code. Locate the code snippet on your site, and find the height attribute. It will say something like height="746". Increase that number and continue testing until you can see everything on your form. You should also make sure to leave some extra wiggle room because error messages take up extra space if someone fills out a field on your form incorrectly.