
PayPal Standard is a great solution for beginners and small businesses processing a smaller volume of monthly transactions.

People who complete your form are redirected to PayPal where they are presented with the list of items they are purchasing and a form to collect their payment information. Buyers are not required to have a PayPal account, but they will have the option to create one on the payment page. They can then pay with a credit card or through PayPal.

Tip! Our article on Choosing a Payment Merchant can help you choose the right payment integration.

  1. Log in and go to Forms.
  2. To the right of the form,
    • If you're using legacy Wufoo, click Payments.
    • If you're using the new Wufoo experience, click the View Payments icon.
  • Merchant Setup
  • Payment Options
  • Assigning Prices

TIP! Customize the look and feel of your PayPal payment form.

  • Problem with Redirect after Completing PayPal Transaction
  • Paid Entries Showing as Unpaid