
You can choose to unsubscribe from our marketing emails and newsletters, and manage your preferences.

We like sharing how you can get the most out of Wufoo by emailing you about cool new features and interesting customer stories. You can easily opt out of these emails at any time.

To opt out of our newsletters:

  1. Click Unsubscribe at the bottom of an email.
  2. Once you click Remove me, it may take up to 48 hours for the changes to go into effect.

If you have a Wufoo account, we’ll continue to send you account-related emails, like billing reminders, cancellation notices, and integration alerts. These are service linked communications that you can't opt out of.

If you're an account holder, you can get notification emails each time someone fills out your form. If you don't want to get these emails anymore, you can manage those settings within each form.

To stop receiving entry notifications:

  1. Log in and go to Forms.
  2. To the right of the form,
    • If you're using legacy Wufoo, click Edit then click Add notifications.
    • If you're using the new Wufoo experience, click the . ***More icon then click Notifications.
  3. Delete your email address from the textbox and click Save.
  4. If you can't log in to turn off notifications, try to contact someone with access to the account who can edit these settings for you.

And if none of that works, we're here to help! Please contact us with the following:

  • A link to the form, or web page where the form is embedded
  • The email address of the account holder
  • A copy of a notification email you've received

Our Cookies Notice and Privacy Notice outline how we use cookies. Some cookies are used to make our site work. Others are used to help personalize content, tailor and measure our marketing, and improve your user experience.

If you’re in the European Union (EU), you’ll see a banner when you visit one of our webpages that asks you to agree to our use of certain cookies. You can update your cookie preference at any time by clearing your cookies in your browser settings. This will re-trigger the banner so you can update your selection. Or visit our cookie page to update your opt-in status.

Outside of the EU, you can clear and manage cookies in your browser settings at any time. If you clear all types of cookies, it might affect how certain features work. Enabling cookies ensures a smoother experience when you use our site, and Wufoo won't function properly if all cookies are disabled.